viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Chocolate Cake

Today we have a delicious and easy recipe.


- 175gr of Flour.
- 2 teaspoons of Yeast.
- 3 eggs.
- 175gr of Sugar.
- Whiskey.
- 175gr of Butter.
- A pincht of salt.
- 200r of Black Chocolate.


Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
First melt the butter and mix in a bowl with the sugar, then add the eggs first one, then another, etc. Once done, add the whiskey, then add the half of the chocolate previously melted. Once we have it, add flour gradually along with the yeast.

Once done all, greased and floured the mold, we put our mixture and then we put it in the oven to 180 degrees for about 30-35 min. Once the cake take 5 minutes in the oven put the other half of the chocolate into pieces.

Now that the 30-35 min our cake will be ready, so let it cool, we can decorate with a little powdered sugar on top.

I hope you liked the recipe and do not forget to share with family and friends.

If you want to see the video of this recipe, click here on the name of the recipe: Chocolate Cake

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